Plumber Berwick

When you need your blocked drains in Berwick fixed

It’s not uncommon for home owners to call G.J. Law Emergency Plumbing for their blocked drains in Berwick. Blocked drains are a real headache, and a common problem many households find themselves faced with. Blocked drains in Berwick, however, can be easily avoided. At G.J. Law Emergency Plumbing, we know all the common triggers of blocked drains at Berwick properties. To avoid blocked drains at your Berwick home, look at for these following signs, and you can avoid severely blocked drains in Berwick.

Hair is one of the most common causes of blocked drains in Berwick

Blocked drains in Berwick occur for a wide range of reasons, however, human hair is often a real problem. Everytime we wash our hair or shave our body parts, hair runs down the drain, building up and causing blocked drains in Berwick. The most commonly blocked drains in Berwick homes are sinks, showers, and bathtubs, but you can avoid this problem by using a strainer in all the drains throughout your home.

Blocked drains in Berwick kitchens are caused by grease and fat

We pour so much down our sinks, we often don’t give a second thought, and it’s this carelessness that could be the root cause of blocked drains at your Berwick home. When you clean your dinner plates, pots and pans, all the little bits of food particles including grease, fat, and butter, get washed down the drain, building up over time and causing blocked drains in Berwick. You can help prevent this by letting fats that solidify go hard, and then throw them in your rubbish bin. You can also chill them in the fridge to speed up the process. For oils that don’t solidify, pour them into a sealable container, to be thrown in the bin. Following these tips will help you to avoid blocked drains at your Berwick home in the future.

Avoid tree roots, leaves, and foreign objects

You can’t control how tree roots will cause blocked drains at your Berwick home, however, regular garden maintenance can really help to avoid catastrophe. Most blocked drains in Berwick neighbourhoods, are caused by organic debris and rubbish being swept into drains and causing major blockages. Inside your home, you should really monitor what goes down your sink so you don’t end up with blocked drains at your Berwick home. Make sure what goes down the drain is not going to cause blocked drains later. Items that are meant to be disposed in drains and sewers such as soap or toilet paper, can cause blocked drains in Berwick homes if used excessively. Other items like sanitary pads, nappies, and kids toys (trust us, they often end up in toilets and drains), should never be dropped in there, as they can cause blocked drains at Berwick homes.

By keeping these thoughts in mind, you can go a long way to avoiding blocked drains in Berwick. If you do have blocked drains at your Berwick property, don’t stress. Just give our team here at G.J. Law Emergency plumbing a call on (03) 9798 2713, and we’ll take care of your blocked drains in Berwick straight away.